Wednesday, April 20, 2011

April 20, 2011

        I just wanted to let everyone know that tomorrow (Thursday 4/21) is a big doctor day in Roanoke. I am now officially past the 24 week mark (6 months pregnant), which means that Sadie is mostly developed and will now begin to grow more rapidly. They wanted to wait until this point to continue monitoring her because now they will have a better idea of how her organs and body are developing.  I have a 9am appointment with the pediatric cardiologist and a 10:30 appointment with the perinatologist. Both of these appointments will be a lot of ultrasounding. The cardiologist is hoping to get a clearer view of the areas of concern in Sadie's heart so they might be able to get a better grasp on issues other than aortic stenosis and their severity. The perinatogist will be ultrasounding to measure her growth as well as see how she has developed over the last three weeks.   She will be taking a closer look at all areas of concern.  After my ultrasound with the perinatologist I will meet with the Genetic Counselor to have an in depth conversation about Turner Syndrome, as well as Sadie's particular case of Turner's.
         Please pray that lil' Ms.Sadie will cooperate and let them see what they need to see in order to determine how to continue with care for her. Pray for energy for me as all the hours of ultrasounding can be an exhausting task, as well as energy and strength for my sweet friend who will be going with me.  Pray that we would be the fragrance of Christ to the medical staff and all we come in contact with. Pray for steadfastness in my spirit and the continued blessed peace of Christ. Also- pray for Sean, as he won't be able to go with me because he has to work. And of course we pray that if it be God's will, that he would heal Sadie's little body. However we truly desire for the outcome that will glorify Him most, even if that means that He does not heal her.
         Again- we love her so dearly and know that she is being perfectly knitted together according to the Lord's will. We don't desire to have a perfectly healthy baby or even to go through life without trials. We desire that He would be glorified in and through us and that we would be made to look more like Christ in the midst of it all. We pray that we would persevere and that others would see the reality of Christ, that He is not just some "religion".   He is the Truth, not just a chose that is "good for us, but not for everyone". He is the one and only true God.  He is the only Hope for every person. He is the only place in which to find peace and rest and salvation.
          I thought I would share with you a song that has been such an encouragement to me on this journey. Some days I listen to it over and over. A sweet friend bought me this cd for an early birthday present, and I have treasured it.  It is by Keith and Kristen Getty.

Jesus draw me ever nearer
As I labour through the storm.
You have called me to this passage,
and I'll follow, though I'm worn.

May this journey bring a blessing,
May I rise on wings of faith;
And at the end of my heart's testing,
With Your likeness let me wake.

Jesus guide me through the tempest;
Keep my spirit staid and sure.
When the midnight meets the morning,
Let me love You even more.

            Let the treasures of the trial                                 
Form within me as I go -
And at the end of this long passage,
Let me leave them at Your throne.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you everyone for your prayers!!! The Lord has given me such a blessing!! Sean is going to be able to go with me tomorrow!!! :)
    He still has to work in the evening but a friend offered to come in the morning and stay with Isaiah all day until we get back. Please pray for our friend Barbara that the Lord would give her energy as she watches our little rambunctious boy after working a 12 hour midnight shift!!
